Nonprofits we serve
We partner with nonprofits to serve our community across a broad spectrum of need. By addressing the needs of many, we provide the solution for us all.
The possibilities are nearly endless to match you or your group with a volunteer opportunity. Whether it is just you, a large group, a small group, or the entire company, you can jump into the mission and work of Liberty Road Foundation being done through our nonprofit partners.
Gateway Medical Alliance
Gateway Medical Alliance serves as a catalyst to improve the lives of the poor and disadvantaged by sharing local healthcare resources worldwide.
Jubilee REACH
The mission of Jubilee REACH is to bring Jesus’ healing, build community, and transform the lives of the students and their families in Bellevue.
New Horizons
New Horizons partners with youth to exit street life. They have one priority: meet youth where they are.
Olive Crest
Olive Crest is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse, the treatment and education of at-risk children, and preserving the family.
Reality Sports
Reality Sports is dedicated to providing quality physical and spiritual training to athletes and their families, presenting Jesus Christ as the ultimate object of worship.
Urban Impact
Urban Impact partners with families and communities to break the cycle of social, material and spiritual poverty by forming community, caring for tangible needs, providing practical support, and encouraging transformation.