On Tuesday August 23rd, an a group of women who have volunteered for years at the Matt
Talbot Center each month, took photos of their experience while serving lunch to approx 40 men
and women.
Why I am Grateful for the Opportunity to Volunteer
Volunteering has given me an outlet to safely and frequently “enjoy generosity”. It is very
humbling to experience the sincere gratitude and witness the sense of relief expressed by
recipients of your time, energy, and efforts. Through volunteering One has the opportunity to
lighten the load of those who are truly struggling and burdened and something wonderful
happens inside the soul at this entire transaction. I appreciate the gift of being used in and for
something that is so grand.
Camille Gallinger
Sought after Certified Nutritionist, Camille Gallinger, developed the Vitality Exchange
community to bring TRUE HEALTH & WELLNESS. Through her leadership and experience,
they equip people with helpful resources that promote a happier and more fulfilled life. Camille’s
down-to-earth, easy-to-follow approach has drawn thousands to her speaking events – and, now,
clients of the Vitality Exchange have access to some of the best health and wellness advice the
web has to offer. This group of volunteers understand the importance of eating healthy and how
that plays out in a person’s life when they are in recovery! Their service to those in need is a true
blessing to so many in our community!!!
For more information about Vitality Enterprises Inc, check out their website at
Camille Gallinger (center) Jenny Hannaford (left) and Debbie Bartell (right)