“The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.”
Proverbs 11:25 NASB
John Maxwell, author and motivational speaker, said this about significance, “Do you know the difference between success and significance? I know a lot of people who believe they are successful because they have everything they want. They have added value to themselves. But I believe significance comes when you add value to others and you can’t have true success without significance.“ Success in and of itself can be self-centered but when you add significance to it you have now determined that you want to make a difference in others outside of yourself. Ask this question of yourself: Once I’ve learned something or accomplished something do I have a heart to share it with others, or do I keep it to myself where it benefits only me? Perhaps you exercise – run, walk, skate, jump rope, do pushups, swim or bike. And, yes, you are bringing great value to your health and you get those personal benefits but have you thought that through your exercising you can bring great value to others. I personally want to encourage you to join several of us on June 1st to make a huge difference in a whole lot of kids’ lives. Check it out at www.ExerciseForTheKids.org.