Matthew who is 12, had consistent raging episodes, was unable to trust and his behavior was difficult when he came to live at his Olive Crest Foster family. He had little hope and talked about his future death. Matthew is a child with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, in sixth grade but has reading and comprehension level at the second grade level. Due to Matthew’s illness, his life prognosis is only several more years. Children with his disease usually live to their late teens or early twenties. Soon after moving into the foster home of Stephanie Boyle, a first time foster parent who works with people with developmental disabilities, Matthew’s behavior began to change. He went from being an angry, confused child to one who could express himself openly. Stephanie put Matthew in a large array of activities such as cub scouts and on a baseball team to encourage and strengthen his life experiences. On December 27, 2011, Stephanie and Matthew became a forever family. When the judge asked Matthew what he thought of being adopted, he slowly raised his hand and gave a “thumbs up” response. Stephanie was asked her thoughts of the adoption and said, “Matthew has changed my life and I love him.” Matthew will now spend the rest of his short life with a mother who has given him hope, a reason to go on living as best he can and much unconditional love.
Each and every day you are part of lives being transformed through the healing power of family, Thank you!