Meet our team
Board of directors

Justin Kawabori
Executive Director
Northwest University Foundation
Justin Kawabori is Executive Director of the Northwest University Foundation at Northwest University. He is a builder of strategic relationships and a catalyst for creating community. The product of his work is philanthropic investment in those who positively impact our society; community impact is the why behind it. As Executive Director of the Northwest University Foundation, Justin has the privilege of co-leading the Foundation Board of Trustees with its Chairman, Barry Horn.
Justin’s broader expertise is in identifying, creating, promoting, and delivering strategic client objectives in public relations, communications, branding, marketing, and fundraising. He is known for fostering and implementing innovative ideas and bringing people together to achieve desired results. He also has experience and talent for developing programs, creating a message, and packaging that program and message to appeal to a target audience.
In the political arena, Justin has experience electing candidates to office at all levels, from school board to the U.S. Senate, and has researched and written legislation introduced in both the WA Legislature and the U.S. Senate. In the business arena, Justin has run his own communications and marketing firm, and in the non-profit sector, Justin has experience not only in major donor fundraising, but as a program director for community initiatives.
Justin earned his bachelor’s degree from Occidental College (Program in Public Policy), and his master’s degree from Northwest University (Leadership Studies). He is married to Reini, and they have two children, Felicity and Lucas. His life verse is Micah 6:8 – “And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”