A team of employees from Timeshare Exit Team prepare and serve breakfast to approximately 40 young teens at a LRF non-profit partner, New Horizons Ministries, in downtown Seattle.  They started volunteering a month ago and had a great first day, learning how the kitchen works and what the procedures are for serving the people who are sheltered there.

The team, led by Corporate Office Manager Chelsey Bergley, included all of the company’s different department managers.  Their plan is that each department will take turns serving each month.

“So far we have the next 8 months worth of volunteers signed up from each of our departments.  Everyone is so excited to serve.  We are using this opportunity to do some team building.  It’s also part of our company’s mission statement to be of service to our community, and we’re grateful to Liberty Road Foundation for giving us the opportunity to live out our mission statement.”  ~Chelsea Bergley

We are so thrilled to have all of them on our Liberty Road Foundation volunteer team!


There are 4 main aspects of our business that are driven by our values and respect for our customers:  We are not a listing company.  We do not buy, sell, list, or donate timeshares.  Rather, through negotiations directly with your resort, you legitimately exit your timeshare.  We also offer secure online consultations, allowing you to speak with a Consultant from the comfort of your own home.  If you decide we are the right partner to help you exit your timeshare, we will assign you a personal Account Coordinator who will become your single point of contact during the exit process.  Our service comes with a 100% money back guarantee.  If we don’t succeed at exiting you from your timeshare, you will receive a full refund of your fee.

For more information about Timeshare Exit Team, check out their website at https://timeshareexitteam.com/services/

If you’d like to learn how you can volunteer at any of our non-profit partners, contact Deanna Powell at 425-777-6998 deanna@libertyroadfoundation.org in North King County or Lonnetta Cunningham at 253-678-8669 lonetta@libertyroadfoundation.org in South King County.

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