It all started when Sue McNeely, owner of North Creek Roofing, took on the challenge of getting the Mill Creek Business Association to promote the LRF Backpack Drive to its business members. It did do just that but also matched their donations up to 85 kids. Sue dropped off a flyer at the Mill Creek YMCA and a week after the backpack drive ended, 10-year old Hunter picked up a flyer and decided to use his savings in his “share” account to sponsor 10 kids at per kid. Hunter’s mom called LRF’s Karilyn Dammarell and shared the story with her.
Last Friday, Hunter Komine and his mom showed up at New Life Fellowship church in Bothell where 220 backpacks filled with supplies were waiting to be delivered – 110 to the Bothell School District Office and 110 to Heatherwood Middle School in Mill Creek. LRF supporters Wayne Johnson and Jim Johnson along with John Dammarell made the delivery to the District Office and Dan & Sue McNeely and Hunter delivered their load to Heatherwood where Principal Janet Gillingham and 6th grade counselor, Patsy Tracey, waited to greet them. Ms. Gillingham said, “The school’s foundation helps a bit but this is over the top – we have never had this kind of an outpouring before. This is a tremendous gift to them.”
In a soon to be released video, Dan McNeely issued “The Hunter Challenge” – “Businesses, match Hunter’s 10 backpacks (or more) next year!”