The LRF Board of Directors presented Gregg Alex, Executive Director of our non-profit partner, The Matt Talbot Center, with a check for ,150.  This check represented the balance due to MTC after ,150 was donated by supporters in our 11th Annual Charity Auction on August 11th – ,000 had previously been distributed for the purchase of a new stove a few months ago.  These funds will be used to remodel their kitchen and bathrooms.  At the auction, Macadam Floor & Design donated the remodeling of the bathrooms and Abodian, Inc. donated kitchen cabinets and their installation!
A huge thank you to our supporters who donated for this remodeling!
If you’d like to learn how you, or your organization, can volunteer to help The Matt Talbot Center, contact Debby Hartsock at 206-954-4549 or