“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31 KJV
There is an amazing future in front of you. Don’t ever let your thoughts convince you that you have made so many mistakes that God could never use you. Remember the bible story of Job and what he went through. I believe he would have said, “I have been going through some really tough times and I was about to give up. My wife even told me to curse God and die. I felt depressed but I said though He slay me yet will I trust Him. I am happy to report that God didn’t just bring me out of my mess. But He brought me out better than I was before. I got my health back, I got my business back, my dreams back.” I believe that Job is standing in the grandstands of life and cheering us on as he says to all who are in tough times and suffered loss in a family, in relationships, in your finances, in your business, “I am here to tell you that a blessing is coming your way. God is going to turn it around on your behalf. He’s a God that specializes in new beginnings.”