Every year we recognize a Liberty Road Foundation Champion. What is a champion? It has been said, what a man accomplishes in a day depends upon the way in which he approaches his task. When he accepts tough jobs as a challenge and wades into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen. When he does his work with a dynamic conquering spirit, he gets things done. A Liberty Road Foundation Champion is just that person who gets things done and in that process is enthusiastic, positive and generous. This year’s recipient of our Champion Award is our very own Founder and Board President, Barry Horn, Senior Vice President & National Sales Manager of Guild Mortgage Co.
It was Barry who listened to God and acted upon God’s call some nine and a half years ago to have his company make a huge financial commitment with Agros International to go to Guatemala and rebuild a village. And then 6 1/2 years ago, against all economic odds, started LRF as a public charity. Behind every great organization is an awesome Chairman of the Board and we have the cream of the crop. Thank you, Barry. We love you.