Did you know that on any given night in King County there are nearly 2800 homeless people without shelter?  Did you know that on any given night in in the Tacoma School District, there are nearly 800 homeless families?  Of these families, 1400 are children!   When you see someone standing on a corner, do you ask yourself how you can help?  Now you can!  Our goal is to provide a minimum of 1000 Care Packs ( each) to New Horizons Ministries and Union Gospel Mission in Seattle, and to Tacoma Rescue Mission in Tacoma to use in their search and rescue ministries.  David Curry, CEO of the Tacoma Rescue Mission says, “We’ve seen a 45% increase in the homeless population since the economic downtown and many are families with kids.”

The Care Packs will provide essentials for the moment and a note referring the recipient to shelters and services in the area.  As a business, please consider giving them to all of your employees, encouraging them to do a random act of kindness and help someone on the street!


10 for $60

25 for $150

50 for $300

75 for $450

100 for $600


Place your order today by calling

Karilyn @ Liberty Road Foundation – 206.790.1290.

Checks & Credit Cards Accepted