“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
James 1:2-4 (NLT)

As leaders, we have the tendency to focus on others or on our companies while neglecting personal growth. Staying committed to personal growth is essential for effective leadership. When we stop growing, the people we are responsible for will also stop growing, developing an environment for a critical spirit, judgmental attitudes, and disunity. John Maxwell said, “It is true that charisma can make a person stand out for a moment, but character sets a person apart for a lifetime.”

What do you think of when you hear or read the following quotes?

  1. “You build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image, truth over convenience, or honor over personal gain.” John Maxwell
  2. “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” Lao Tzu, a philosopher from China
  3. “Surmounting difficulty is the crucible that forms character.” Tony Robbins

There are four things that will help you navigate through difficulty and adversity:

  1. Don’t buy into the idea that making mistakes can always be avoided. They can’t be.
  2. The scripture tells us you may be knocked down, but not knocked out. Learn from your mistakes and move forward in a better direction.
  3. Seek council but be sure it is from someone who has successfully handled mistakes and adversity.
  4. Ask yourself, “What have I learned in business that will help me to better handle adversity and mistakes in the future?”