Dear friends,
Through His amazing Love and provision and through your amazing response, it’s been an incredible year. Through your generosity in giving financially and volunteering, transformation is happening.
Look what God did with your time, talent and your treasure in 2016:
Jubilee REACH
Sponsored a new College & Career Program for those most
at-risk at for not graduating at Interlake High School
Matt Talbot Center
Sponsored 20 women out of addiction, abuse & homelessness:
treatment, housing & emergency assistance.
New Horizons Ministries
Purchased an 8 passenger mini van to transport people & coffee – through this you support getting homeless youth off the streets into jobs & housing
Olive Crest
Sponsored 80 children in the Safe Families for Children Program
Raven Rock Ranch
Sponsored free mental health therapy for child & family
including a horse and tools needed by parents
Reality Sports
Sponsored over 600 kids of all ages, skill levels and socioeconomic backgrounds with exceptional donation-based athletic & spiritual training
Strategic Alliance to Fight Exploitation
Provided a 24/7 place where girls/men can escape and find healing
from the terrible life of sexual exploitation
Urban Impact
Funded the Freedom Schools program to address summer learning-loss and the education gap among 140 at-risk children & youth in Seattle’s Rainier Valley
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for investing in Liberty Road Foundation to ensure that those we serve are being reached with dignity, hope and significance.
Please consider making a year-end, tax deductible investment in the future of Liberty Road Foundation. Go to our website at and click on the Donate button or call Karilyn Dammarell at 206 790-1290.
May you and yours have a happy, healthy and safe New Year! God bless you, and thank you for your support, your love and your prayers.
John L. Dammarell
Executive Director
206 941-9252