Hear my cry, O God; give heed to my prayer. From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy. Let me dwell in Your tent forever; let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.
Psalm 61:1-4 NASB.
But you don’t understand. I have failed so many times. I failed in my marriage. I failed with my children. I failed in my business. But you see, David cried out in the middle of his mess: “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher.” He will change your perspective. Get out of your funk. Stop allowing your failures, the messes of your past, to dictate your present and your future. Turn your past pain and hurt over to Him. Why, there is no telling what He can do when you put your trust in Him.
“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock.”
Isaiah 26:3-4 NASB